Dear Friends,
The professional Recordings of our Blind Student’s Ensemble, “Vichak Santapheap”, performing Beautiful Traditional Mohori Music, are now available. These Recordings are available for download through the use of a simple QR code which takes the Listener to the Music and to the names of the Pieces, Musicians and Khmer Instruments used. It is available in Khmer and English language.
This Project has several Aims, firstly that our Students through their Ensemble, are able to become Independent Musicians, with more and more people getting to know of their skills. Secondly, when Performing in districts and villages, they are able to sell these simple QR cards, which people can scan with their phones, so that they can earn extra income and thirdly, those cards purchased online through donations, will help our School continue to provide essential support for our Students, because, before being fully autonomous, they must live, eat, be cared for and study at our School and for this program, which has been running nearly 10 years, we currently have no support.
Although things are changing in Cambodian government towards people who have disabilities, there is still a long way to go. Our Students who for years endured rejection and humiliation by their own families and communities, were able earlier this year to give official performances in the places of their Childhood and felt much happiness, strength and fulfillment, when they were recognized for their great talents and Musicianship.
Our School, which is Cambodian, Teaches Traditional Khmer Music to the highest level, in order to properly Respect and Conserve these ancient traditions for future generations of Cambodians and as World Intangible Cultural Heritage. It is estimated that 90% of Cambodian Artists perished under the Khmer Rouge genocide (1975-79) . When I first came to Cambodia during the War, there were but five great Dance Masters still alive and seven great Music Masters. The rest had been killed. This is why I built our School in Kampot and in order to take care of the most vulnerable of Children.
Our Mohori Master, who was imprisoned and shackled hand and foot in a Khmer Rouge prison, but Miraculously survived, between Recording and Editing, had to have an operation in Vietnam, otherwise he would have had his leg amputated.
We Thank Rob O’ Hara for his Recording skills and patience with us. These Recordings were done in our Main Hall and at Mr O’Hara’s “Somlang” Recording Studio in Kampot. The project was very kindly sponsored by the Michael Merriman Family Foundation.
If you would like to have a wonderful Recording, please kindly donate any sum you can manage, on the link written separately in our Comments section , indicating that it is for the Recording. A letter of Thanks will be sent through the link and a QR card will be sent separately by email.
Thank you all!
Catherine and Everyone at KCDI