Preserving Traditional Cambodian Arts for Future generations : Whilst helping the most vulnerable of children​

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Welcome to the Kampot Traditional Music School website. Thank you for visiting our online home. On this website you can find information about our Music School, our Residential and Community Program and about the History of Traditional Khmer Music and Performing Arts and Culture.

The Khmer Cultural Development Institute (KCDI) also known as the Kampot Traditional Music School for Orphaned and Disabled Children, is a Cambodian non-governmental and non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to the care of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged Children and the preservation of Traditional Cambodian Music and Arts for future generations of Cambodians.  Founded in 1992 and built in 1994 during the civil war in Kampot, Southwestern Cambodia, our School is unique and is considered a Symbol of the Renaissance of Traditional Cambodian Culture, once so devastated by the war and the Khmer Rouge genocide. Our School received the UNESCO World Decade of Cultural Development (Paris 1995) and our founder, the Raoul Wallenberg Humanitarian Award (Greater New York 1999). We are a member of International Childsafe and the Cambodian People’s Disabled Organization (CDPO).


Why we help.

The Khmer Cultural Development Institute, also known as the Kampot Traditional Music School for Orphaned and Disabled Children, is a non-governmental and non-profit humanitarian organisation dedicated to the care for vulnerable and disadvantaged children and the preservation of Cambodian traditional arts.

The school was established in 1994 and serves the needs of the local community in Kampot, a province in the south-west of Cambodia. KCDI was awarded the UNESCO World Decade for Culture in 1995.

Our Engagement

For over 25 years, the Kampot Traditional Music School has been supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged children whilst doing invaluable work in the preservation and restoration of traditional Cambodian performing arts.

Sameth studying Tro Sau with the founder Catherine Geach. Photo by Philip Jones Griffiths courtesy of the PJ Griffiths foundation and Magnum.

Sameth studying Tro Sau with the founder Catherine Geach. Photo by Philip Jones Griffiths courtesy of the PJ Griffiths foundation and Magnum.

  • August 3rd, 2024​

Concert – Celebrating 30 years 1994-2024

You are all cordially invited to join us for our 30th Anniversary Concert on Saturday 3rd August, 2024 at 18.00, as we celebrate the founding of our School 1994-2024.

  • September 13, 2024​

Annual Audited Statement 2023-2024

Here is our Annual Audited Statement 2023-2024.

  • August 11, 2023​

29th Birthday Celebration​

A look back on our 29th birthday celebration : reflecting on our journey with gratitude.

  • July 10, 2024​

Special GlobalGiving Bonus day

We will be having a special GlobalGiving Bonus Day on the 10th July, starting at 09.00 EDT (8pm Cambodian Time, 1pm UK and 2pm European Time).  GlobalGiving will match all unique Donations, from $100 upwards. Matching funds will last until they run out on the same day!

  • January 8 2024​

Fundraising Appeal on GoFundMe for Medical Care for our Senior Staff at KCDI

Today I make an appeal for three of our wonderful Teachers, who survived the Khmer Rouge genocide and have been working with me for nearly 30 years.

  • December 15, 2023​

Recordings of our Blind Student’s Ensemble

Professional Recordings of our Blind Student’s Ensemble Performing Traditional Mohori Music now available.

Help us restore and preserve traditional Cambodian arts for future generations,​

Whilst taking care of the most vulnerable and isolated children in Kampot Province, assisting them with a sustainable future.

Help For our Children

Long-Term impact

Help For

Help For

Please help our children

Where Tradition meets compassion​

The mission of KCDI is to protect, preserve and develop Cambodian traditional arts and culture for future generations through education, training and awareness raising and to care for and heal vulnerable children.

They support KCDI.



Cambodian culture and traditional arts is so special that today it is considered by UNESCO “World Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Yet the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot between 1975 – 79 killed so many artists they nearly managed to destroy everything. Our school is testimony to the courage and integrity of those artists who survived and their determination to re-build their country and their beautiful artistic heritage.

Account Name : KCDI
Account Number : 0700-20-549083-1-5
ACLEDA Bank, 61 Preah Monivong Bvd, Phnom Penh

Acleda Bank Logo
Donation :

+855 (0)17 72 69 69

Please Help our children.

Since 1994, 450 students have already graduated with positive results.


RAISED on GlobalGiving


